42°03' N    3°11.3' E
Nàutica Estartit

  (132 Km.)

C/ de la Pletera, 39 17258 l'Estartit
972 75 03 58 Fax 972 75 13 66
Summer: Monday - Friday 9 to 13 and 15.30 to 19.30, Saturdays 9 to 13 and 16 to 19. Winter: Monday - Friday 9 to 13 and 15 to 18, Saturdays 10 to 13
Also agency and insurance services.
Official Service
Mercruiser Yanmar Marine Volvo Penta Sole Diesel Cummins Volkswagen Evinrude Honda Marine Johnson - BRP Raymarine Humminbird Simrad Lowrance Altair Menorquin Saver SeaRay Zodiac
Other brands that serves